



Executable program of the latest PhiPsi

The following are the download links for 64-bit (x64) Windows system. New features and bug fixes of PhiPsi can be seen from here.

The latest version:

¡ð PhiPsi for 64-bit (x64) Windows, Version 1.56.5, updated on March 10, 2024

Earlier versions:

¡ð PhiPsi for 64-bit (x64) Windows, Version 1.55.15, updated on August 14, 2023

¡ð PhiPsi for 64-bit (x64) Windows, Version 1.25.0, updated on August 1, 2019

¡ð PhiPsi for 64-bit (x64) Windows, Version 1.21.0, updated on September 26, 2018

¡ð PhiPsi for 64-bit (x64) Windows, Version 1.16.3, updated on October 31, 2017

¡ð PhiPsi for 64-bit (x64) Windows, Version 1.5.3, released on November 1, 2016

The following is the download link for 32-bit (x86) Windows system (Support for win32 system was suspended):

¡ð PhiPsi for 32-bit (x86) Windows, Version 1.16.3, updated on October 31, 2017

The following is the download link for 64-bit (x64) Linux system:

¡ð PhiPsi for 64-bit (x64) Linux system, the latest version, updated on April 26, 2024

PPView - A Visualization Tool for PhiPsi

PPView is a visualization tool for PhiPsi. It can be used to view the model defined in the PhiPsi keywords file (*.kpp), edit PhiPsi keywords file, perform a PhiPsi simulation, and view the simulation result files generated by PhiPsi. The PPView Help Manual can be found from here (PPView Help Manual).

Download PPView for Windows 10 or Windows 11: Google Drive / Baidu Cloud Drive / Tencent Cloud Drive.

The following are screenshots of PPView:

The source codes of the PhiPsi Post-Processor written in Matlab

This Matlab program can be used to analyze the results generated by PhiPsi, plot deformed mesh, plot contours, generate gifs, and so on. The new features of PhiPsi Post-Processor can be seen from here.

The latest version:

¡ð Post-Processor of PhiPsi, Version 1.21.4, updated on May 7, 2023

The earlier versions:

¡ð Post-Processor of PhiPsi, Version 1.13.1, updated on August 1, 2019

¡ð Post-Processor of PhiPsi, Version 1.9.1, updated on September 26, 2018

¡ð Post-Processor of PhiPsi, Version 1.8.0, updated on October 31, 2017

¡ð Post-Processor of PhiPsi, Version 1.1.7, updated on November 1, 2016

A Tutorial on PhiPsi

¡ð A Tutorial on PhiPsi (updated on March 22, 2024) and related files.

Keywords manual of PhiPsi

The usage of keywords of PhiPsi is illustrated in the manual.

¡ð Keywords manual

The source codes of the earlier version of PhiPsi

Source codes of an earlier version of PhiPsi with limited functionality are available here. PhiPsi is written and compiled in a Fortran development environment called Simply Fortran, so you have to download and install Simply Fortran to compile the source codes. Of course, you can also compile the source codes using other fortran compilers, such as intel Fortran compiler or gfortran compiler. In addition, the Matlab program Post-Processor Version 1.1.7 is suggested to post-process the result files generated by the source codes.

Please cite the papers listed on this page if the presented source codes are helpful.

¡ð Source codes of an early version of PhiPsi

If you need the latest source codes of PhiPsi, please contact me via email (

The ANSYS macro file, ANSYS2PhiPsi

A macro is adopted to get the preprocessor files from ANSYS to PhiPsi.

¡ð Ansys2PhiPsi_2D

¡ð Ansys2PhiPsi_3D

The Abaqus to PhiPsi converter, Abaqus2PhiPsi_Matlab

A useful tool written in Matlab used to extract all input files of PhiPsi (including *.node file, *.elem file, *.boux, *.bouy, *.bouz, *.focx, *.focy, and *.focz files) from the inp file generated by Abaqus.

¡ð Abaqus2PhiPsi_Matlab.rar (updated on March 21, 2024)

Other tools

The following tool written in Python 3.11 is used to delete all of the result files generated by PhiPsi. If Python 3.x has not been installed on your PC, please download and install it.

¡ð PhiPsi_Results_File_Deleter (updated on August 14, 2023)

The following tool written in Python 3.11 is used to monitor CPU usage and memory usage of PhiPsi.

¡ð PhiPsi_Runing_Monitor (updated on August 14, 2023)

The following batch files are used to run PhiPsi program in command prompt in Windows operation system.

¡ð Batch_Files_used_to_Run_PhiPsi (released on December 12, 2017)

The following beta program written in Fortran can be used to extract input files of PhiPsi (including *.node file and *.elem file) from the inp file generated by Abaqus.

¡ð Abaqus2PhiPsi_V0.1.0.rar (updated on March 21, 2024)

Some input files of PhiPsi and related instructions

See the applications page.

PhiPsi GUI - Graphical User Interface for PhiPsi (PhiPsi GUI has been deprecated!)

The PhiPsi GUI is the graphical user interface for PhiPsi written in Visual Basic.NET within Visual Studio 2015. It is designed for pre- and post-processing for the calculation kernel of PhiPsi which is written in Fortran.

Microsoft.NET Framework 4.0 should be installed to run PhiPsi GUI. If you want to use the Python tools provided in PhiPsi GUI, Python 2.x (Python 2.7 is suggested) should also be installed.

Since the current version of PhiPsi GUI is still a beta version, some functions are not available yet. Therefore, pre-processing using ANSYS and post-processing using Matlab are suggested if the problem to be solved is relatively complicated. However, the author will continue to add functions and improve stability in the coming versions.

The following are the download links of PhiPsi GUI for 64-bit Windows system:

¡ð PhiPsi GUI for 64-bit Windows, Version 1.1.0 beta, updated on September 18, 2018

¡ð PhiPsi GUI for 64-bit Windows, Version 1.0.0 beta, updated on August 15, 2017

The following are the download links of PhiPsi GUI for 32-bit Windows system (Support for win32 system was suspended):

¡ð PhiPsi GUI for 32-bit Windows, Version 1.0.0 beta, updated on August 15, 2017

A tutorial of PhiPsi GUI can be found by clicking Help toolbar button and then clicking PhiPsi GUI help manual.

The following demo pictures are screenshot of PhiPsi GUI:



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