



July 13, 2024 - A new version of PPView, a visualization tool for PhiPsi, is now available!

This version (v1.0.21) now supports direct input of Abaqus model (*.inp file). After importing the Abaqus model (*.inp file), PPView will automatically transform the Abaqus model file to PhiPsi model files. The element information, node information, boundary conditions, external forces, and materials defined in the Abaqus model file will be handled. For 2D problems, the supported element types include CPS4, CPS4R, CPS4I, CES4, and CPE4R; For 3D problems, the supported element types include C3D8, C3D8R, C3D8H, C3D8I, C3D8RH, and C3D8IH. The supported loads include concentrated force and pressure. The extracted material parameters include elastic modulus, Poisson's ratio and density. Once the Abaqus model file has been read, PPView will automatically plot the model and update the kpp keyword file based on the extracted data. The PPView Help Manual can be accessed from here (PPView Help Manual).

Download PPView for Windows 10 or Windows 11: Google Drive / Baidu Cloud Drive / Tencent Cloud Drive.

May 1, 2024 - PPView, A visualization tool for PhiPsi, is available now!

PPView is a visualization tool for PhiPsi. It can be used to view the model defined in the PhiPsi keywords file (*.kpp), edit PhiPsi keywords file, perform a PhiPsi simulation, and view the simulation result files generated by PhiPsi. The PPView Help Manual can be accessed from here (PPView Help Manual).

Download PPView for Windows 10 or Windows 11: Google Drive / Baidu Cloud Drive / Tencent Cloud Drive.

March 21, 2024 - A useful tool to convert Abaqus inp model file to PhiPsi input files now is available!

This tool is written in Matlab and supports the generation of all necessary input files (including *.node file, *.elem file, *.boux, *.bouy, *.bouz, *.focx, *.focy, and *.focz files) for PhiPsi according to an Abaqus inp file. Therefore, users can now completely generate model using Abaqus, and then perform simulation using PhiPsi!  

March 10, 2024 - PhiPsi Version 1.56.5 Released & Keywords manual updated!

New features of this version: Bug fixes. Click here to download

The updated keywords manual. Click here to access

August 14, 2023 - PhiPsi Version 1.55.15 Released!

New features of this version: Bug fixes and enhancements of 3D XFEM. Click here to download

May 7, 2023 - PhiPsi Version 1.55.4 Released!

New features of this version: enhancements of 3D XFEM. Click here to download. See examples 8 and 18 for 3D hydraulic fracturing simulation.

May 10, 2020 - The book "The Extended Finite Element Method: Theory and Fortran Programming (扩展有限元理论及Fortran编程)" has been published.

JD(京东自营):Click here to buy.

September 22, 2019 - A new example to simulate the crack propagation of rock under combined compression and shear loading.

See example 17 on the Applications page.

August 1, 2019 - PhiPsi Version 1.25.0 Released!

New features of this version: simulation of excavation using the birth and death elements method is available now. Click here to download. See example 16 which simulates the 2D crack propagation induced by the rock excavation on the Applications page.

April 16, 2019 - PhiPsi Version 1.23.2 Released!

New features of this version: propagation of three-dimensional cracks. See examples 13 and 14 on the Applications page for more details.

December 18, 2018 - A Python script used to monitor the memory usage of PhiPsi is added!

Click here to download.

October 2, 2018 - Now you can comment on the website or leave messages to the author!

If you have any problem or suggestion, please click here to leave a message to the author.

October 1, 2018 - PhiPsi_2D_Post_1_GUI.exe Version 1.0 Released!

Taking the advantage of PhiPsi_2D_Post_1_GUI.exe, it is available to perform post-processing directly by clicking the mouse, without considering the matlab codes anymore. Click here to download PhiPsi_2D_Post_1_GUI.exe,

September 26, 2018 - PhiPsi Version 1.21.0 Released!

New features of this version: (1) A new linear solver SuperLU added; (2) README.txt added. Click here to download

September 10, 2018 - PhiPsi Version 1.20.2 Now Available!

New features of this version: Support field problems with cracks and holes.

August 28, 2018 - PhiPsi Version 1.19.1 Released!

New features of this version: (1) Fixes a critical bug on stiffness matrix assembly of different kinds of enriched elements; (2) Support random hole generation; (3) Support cracks emerged from holes.


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