PhiPsi Post-Processor v1.21.4 (2023-05-08) new features:

  1. Bug fixes.
  2. Improvements of 3D post-processing.

PhiPsi Post-Processor v1.13.1 (2019-08-01) new features:

  1. Post-Process of excavation.

PhiPsi Post-Processor v1.10.0 (2019-04-16) new features:

  1. Post-Process of 3D crack propagation.

PhiPsi Post-Processor v1.9.1 (2018-09-26) new features:

  1. Bug fixes.

PhiPsi Post-Processor v1.9.0 (2018-09-10) new features:

  1. Support field problems with cracks and holes.

PhiPsi Post-Processor v1.8.4 (2018-08-28) new features:

  1. Bug fixes.

PhiPsi Post-Processor v1.8.3 (2018-06-19) new features:

  1. Bug fixes.

PhiPsi Post-Processor v1.8.1 (2018-01-11) new features:

  1. Speed improvement of binary files reading.

PhiPsi Post-Processor v1.8.0 (2017-10-31) new features:

  1. Add supports for the reading of binary result files generated by PhiPsi.
  2. Add support for molecular dynamics analysis.
  3. Replace PhiPsi_Input_Control.m with PhiPsi_Color_and_Font_Settings.m.
  4. Plot contour of displacement, i.e., sqrt(disx^2+disy^2).
  5. Add support for the curved cracks.
  6. Bug fixes.

PhiPsi Post-Processor v1.4.2 (2017-05-21) new features:

  1. Add support for the intersection of crack and void.
  2. Plot the load-displacement curves.
  3. Add support for the crossing cracks.
  4. Add support for the cohesive cracks.
  5. Bug fixes.

PhiPsi Post-Processor v1.2.3 (2017-04-16) new features:

  1. Add support for the post-processing of static field problems.
  2. Add support for the post-processing of molecular dynamics analysis.
  3. Plot contour of the equivalent plastic strain.
  4. Bug fixes.

PhiPsi Post-Processor v1.1.7 (2016-11-01) new features:

  1. Plot 3D mesh.
  2. Plot inclusions.
  3. Bug fixes.