About PPView Help Manual
Click here to download the latest version of PPView: http://phipsi.top/downloads.html.
1. About PPView
- PPView is a visualization tool for PhiPsi. It can be used to view the model defined in the PhiPsi keywords file (kpp file), edit the kpp files, import Abaqus model file (inp file), and view the simulation result files generated by PhiPsi.
- PPView runs well in Windows 10 and Windows 11.
2. Basic usage
2.1 Installation
It is recommended to install by default to the path C:\Program Files (x86) folder. When finished, a shortcut for PPView will be created on the desktop.
The default PhiPsi Solver Kernel is PhiPsi_Win64.exe (Recommended!) which is compiled using gfortran. If the users want to use the optional PhiPsi_Intel_Compiler_ifx.exe compiled using the Intel Fortran Compiler, see "C:\Program Files (x86)\PhiPsi\PPView\Intel_Fortran_Runtime_MKL\Readme.txt" for details.
2.2 Window Layout
- The PPView interface is composed of a menu bar, a toolbar, a model tree, a data analysis panel, an operation log panel, and the main window.
The menu bar encompasses several sections: File, Analysis, View, Windows, Setting, Tools, Help, and About.
- - Opening kpp file: Open the PhiPsi keywords file, i.e., *.kpp file.
- - Edit kpp file: Edit the PhiPsi keywords file.
- - Check kpp file: Check the PhiPsi keywords file.
- - Open work directory: Open work directory defined in the keywords file.
- - Open PhiPsi log file: Open PhiPsi running log file (*.log) which is stored in the work directory.
- - Clear result files: Clear result files of the current work defined in the keyword file.
- - Create a blank kpp file: Create a blank kpp file in a user defined folder.
- - Import Abaqus model (.inp): Import Abaqus model (.inp file). PPView will automatically transform the Abaqus model file to PhiPsi model files. The element information, node information, boundary conditions, external forces, and materials defined in the Abaqus model file will be handled. For 2D problems, the supported element types include CPS4, CPS4R, CPS4I, CES4, and CPE4R; For 3D problems, the supported element types include C3D8, C3D8R, C3D8H, C3D8I, C3D8RH, and C3D8IH. The supported loads include concentrated force and pressure. The extracted material parameters include elastic modulus, Poisson's ratio and density. Once the Abaqus model file has been read, PPView will automatically plot the model and update the kpp keyword file based on the extracted data.
- - Recent kpp file: Open recent kpp fles.
- - Export Plot: Save pictures, the following options are available:
- - Save Plot as Image: Save the current plot as image (*.png).
- - Save Plot as Image with White Background: Save the current plot as image (*.png) with white background.
- - Exit: Exit PPView.
- - Close and restart PPView: Close and restart PPView.
- - Run kpp file with PhiPsi: Start the PhiPsi kernel to solve the problem defined in the keywords file.
- - Stop PhiPsi: Stop all running PhiPsi tasks.
- - Refresh results: Reload the result files of the currently running PhiPsi task.
- - Isometric: Plot in isometric view.
- - XY plane, (Z+): Plot in xy view (z plus).
- - XY plane, (Z-): Plot in xy view (z minus).
- - XZ plane, (Y+): Plot in xz view (y plus).
- - XZ plane, (Yz): Plot in xz view (y minus).
- - YZ plane, (X+): Plot in yz view (x plus).
- - YZ plane, (X-): Plot in yz view (x minus).
- - View cut manager: Open the view cut manager to plot user defined section view along the x, y, and z directions.
- - Minimize the Window: Minimize the Window.
- - Maximize the Window: Maximize the Window.
- - Fullscreen: Fullscreen the window.
- - Center: Center the window.
- - Model Display Style: Change model display style, the following display modes are available:
- - Mesh View: Display the model with mesh (default).
- - Smooth View: Display the model in a smooth view without mesh.
- - Wiremesh: Display the model only with wirelines.
- - Points: Display the model with only nodes.
- - Model Color: Change model color, the following options are available:
- - Cyan: All elements of the model will be drawn in Cyan.
- - Varies with Material Type: Elements with different material numbers are drawn in different colors.
- - Model Deformation Display Style: Change model deformation display style, the following display modes are available:
- - Mesh View: Display the deformed model with mesh (default).
- - Smooth View: Display the deformed model in a smooth view without mesh.
- - Mesh View + Wiremesh (undeform): Display the deformed model with mesh and underformed wirelines.
- - Smooth View + Wiremesh (undeform): Display the deformed model in a smooth view without mesh and underformed wirelines.
- - Crack Display Style: Change crack Display style, the following options are available:
- - Mesh View (for 3D): Display 3D cracks with mesh.
- - Smooth View (for 3D): Display 3D cracks in a smooth view without mesh.
- - Show Model Wiremesh: Show model wiremesh.
- - 2D Crack Color: Change color of 2D cracks - Balck (default) / White / Read / Purple.
- - 2D Crack Width: Change width of 2D cracks - 1 / 2 (default) / 3.
- - Show 2D Crack Points: Display 2D crack points.
- - Pre-exsisting Natural Cracks: Settings about pre-exsisting natural cracks: Plot Pre-exsisting Cracks as Surface (3D) (default), Plot Pre-exsisting Cracks as Wireframe (3D), or Hide Pre-exsisting Cracks.
- - Enriched Nodes Display Style: Change the Display style of enriched nodes - Size 2 / Size 4 / Size 6 (default) / Size 8.
- - Enable Lighting: Enable lighting.
- - Enable Parallel Projection: Enable parallel projection, switch the visualization mode of a 3D scene from perspective projection to parallel projection.
- - Enable Model Transparent: Make the 3D model transparent, enabling users to see through the model's surfaces.
- - Show Model Boundary Box: Allows users to visually display a bounding box around the model.
- - Show Load: Plot the applied force of nodes.
- - Show Boundary Support: Display the supporting of fixed nodes.
- - Show Model Coordinate Origin: Display the coordinate origin of the model.
- - Animation: Animation-related settings.
- - Background Color: Change background color, the following options are available:
- - Gradient Grey.
- - Gradient Blue.
- - Gradient Green.
- - Gradient Yellow.
- - Gradient Purple.
- - Gradient Black.
- - Select a Solid Color.
- - Theme: Change theme of icons or font:
- - Chaneg icon theme. The following options are available:
- - Green icon theme (default).
- - Blue icon theme.
- - Change font theme.
- - Colorbar Colormap: Change colormap of colorbar. The following options are available:
- - Jet.
- - PiYG.
- - Greys.
- - hsv.
- - cool.
- - ocean.
- - spring.
- - summer.
- - autumn.
- - winter.
- - Blues.
- - Reds.
- - Greens.
- - Purples.
- - pink.
- - Oranges.
- - copper.
- - YlGn.
- - YlOrRd.
- - cividis.
- - inferno.
- - magma.
- - plasma.
- - viridis.
- - Accent.
- - Paired.
- - tab20.
- - Colorbar Font: Change font of colorbar.
- - Text Editor: Change text editor - Notepad (default) / Notepad ++ (if installed).
- - PhiPsi Solver: Change PhiPsi solver, the following options are available:
- - PhiPsi Solver Compiled Using gfortran (default): Simulation will be porformed by running PhiPsi_Win64.exe (C:\Program Files (x86)\PhiPsi\PPView\PhiPsi\PhiPsi_Win64.exe) compiled using gfortran.
- - PhiPsi Solver Compiled Using Intel Fortran Compiler (ifx). Simulation will be porformed by running PhiPsi_Intel_Compiler_ifx.exe (C:\Program Files (x86)\PhiPsi\PPView\PhiPsi\PhiPsi_Intel_Compiler_ifx.exe) compiled using Intel Fortran compiler (ifx). To enable PhiPsi_Intel_Compiler_ifx.exe, See Section 2.1.
- - PhiPsi Solver MPI Version. Simulation will be porformed by running PhiPsi_Win64_MPI.exe (C:\Program Files (x86)\PhiPsi\PPView\PhiPsi\PhiPsi_Win64_MPI.exe).
- - Set Number of MPI Processors. Set the bumber of MPI processors for PhiPsi_Win64_MPI.exe.
- - PhiPsi Running Monitor: Run the PhiPsi running monitor to watch the memory and CPU usage of the PhiPsi kernel.
- - Run a Batch File: Run a batch File (*.bat).
- - Run a Python Script: Run a Python script (*.py).
- - Open PhiPsi kpp File Editor: Open the PhiPsi kpp file editor that comes with the PPView software.
- - PPView Help: Open the online PPView help manual.
- - PhiPsi Instruction Manual: Open the online PhiPsi instruction manual.
- - PhiPsi Keywords Manual: Open the online PhiPsi keywords manual.
- - View Change Log of PPView: View change logs of PPView.
- - About: About PPView.
- - PhiPsi Website: Visit PhiPsi Website - phipsi.top.
- - Check for updates: Check for updates of PPView.
- The toolbar buttons include:
- - Opening kpp file: Open the PhiPsi keywords file, i.e., *.kpp file.
- - Edit kpp file: Edit the PhiPsi keywords file.
- - Check kpp file: Check the PhiPsi keywords file.
- - Open work directory: Open work directory defined in the keywords file.
- - Run kpp file with PhiPsi: Start the PhiPsi kernel to solve the problem defined in the keywords file.
- - Stop running PhiPsi tasks: Stop all running PhiPsi tasks.
- - Refresh results: Reload the result files of the currently running PhiPsi task.
- - Open PhiPsi log file: Open PhiPsi running log file (*.log) which is stored in the work directory.
- - Clear result files: Clear result files of the current work defined in the keyword file.
- - Plot model: Plot the model.
- - View isometric: Plot in isometric view.
- - View xy_zplus: Plot in xy view (z plus).
- - View xy_zminus: Plot in xy view (z minus).
- - View xz_yplus: Plot in xz view (y plus).
- - View xz_yminus: Plot in xz view (y minus).
- - View yz_xplus: Plot in yz view (x plus).
- - View yz_xminus: Plot in yz view (x minus).
- - View cut manager: Open the view cut manager to plot user defined section view along the x, y, and z directions.
- - Enable Parallel Projection: Enable parallel projection, switch the visualization mode of a 3D scene from perspective projection to parallel projection.
- - Enable Model Transparent: Make the 3D model transparent, enabling users to see through the model's surfaces.
- - View Node Label: Show labels of all nodes.
- - View Node Coordinate: Show coordinates of all nodes.
- - View enriched nodes: Click to show enriched nodes.
- - View cracks: View cracks.
- - View user defined initial crack, void, inclusion: Click to view user defined initial cracks, voids, and inclusions.
- - Plot Curve: Plot curves.
- - Save Plot as Image: Save the current plot as image (*.png).
- - Save Plot as Image with White Background: Save the current plot as image (*.png) with white background.
- - Save Animation: Export animation (gif file).
- - Minimize the Window: Minimize the Window.
- - Maximize the Window: Maximize the Window.
- - Fullscreen: Fullscreen the window.
- - Center: Center the window.
- - PPView Help: Open the online PPView help manual.
- - Info: About PPView.
- - Exit: Exit PPView.
2.2.3 The model tree
- The model tree includes the following nodes:
- - kpp file: the kpp file.
- - Abaqus model file: Abaqus model file. This model tree node will be available once an Abaqus model file was imported successfully.
- - Geometry: This model tree node is used to display model geometry information.
- - Geometry: This model tree node is used to display model geometry information.
- - Boundary Conditions: This model tree node is used to display model geometry information.
- - Applied Force: This model tree node is used to display model geometry information.
- - Materials: Edit Material Parameters.
- - Hydraulic Fracturing: Currently unavailable.
- - Initial Defect: Edit or define initial defects such as cracks, holes, and inclusions.
- - Analysis Settings: Analysis settings include analysis type, load step, linear equations solver, etc.
- - Result_Settings: Currently unavailable.
- - Solve: Click to run the PhiPsi simulation.
3. Tutorial
3.1 Open an existing kpp file
- Click the PPView icon on the desktop.
- Click on the toolbar to open PhiPsi keywords file. Select xfem_2d_pcg-ebe_solver.kpp from the folder C:\Program Files (x86)\PhiPsi\PPView\Examples.
- Click on the toolbar to open and view the keywords file.
- Click on the toolbar. The analysis will be started and a Windows terminal will show.
- When the simulation is finished, the simulation log can be opened by clicking on the toolbar.
- Click on the toolbar to reload the simulation results.
- In the Simulation Results Panel, users can select component to be plot. By clicking the Apply button, the selected simulation result will be shown. By clicking the Open File button, the corresponding result file will be opened.
- The figure can be saved to png file by clicking or on the toolbar.
- The colormap of the colorbar can be changed by clicking Setting < Colorbar Colormap, select PiYG, for example. Click Apply button, the contour will be replot.
- The applied force and boundary conditions can be plot by clicking Setting < Show Load and Setting < Show Boundary Condition. Click Apply button, the contour will be replot.
- If the user want to plot the model again, click on the toolbar.
- The work directory of the current task defined in the keywords file can be opened by clicking on the toolbar.
3.2 Import Abaqus model file
- Click the PPView icon on the desktop.
- Click File from the menu bar and then Click to create a blank kpp file. Select a folder, and then enter the name of the keyword file, for example Test. Then, a blank kpp file will be created.
- Click File from the menu bar and then Click to import the Abaqus model file. Select an Abaqus model file (*.inp), for example C:\Program Files (x86)\PhiPsi\PPView\Examples\Abaqus_inp_files\3d\3d.inp. PPView will automatically transform the Abaqus model file to PhiPsi model files. Afterwards, PPView will plot the Abaqus model and update the kpp file according to the obtained information.
- Now the model is ready to be solved. You can click the node in the model tree to solve the model.
- Once the simulation is done, click the button in the Simulation Results Panel to update the obtained simulation results.
- Users can also added initial crack to the model. Right click Initial Crack, then select New Circular Crack. Click the newly added Circular Crack 1, then the 3D Circular Crack Settings window will appear. Input 0.5, 0.5, 0.75, 0, 0, 0, and 0.35, respectively, for each text-box from top to bottom.
- Click Solve in the model tree to solve the model.
- Once again, click the Refresh Results button in the Simulation Results Panel to refresh the obtained simulation results.
- Enable model transparent by clicking the Enable model transparent on the toolbar, and disable initial crack by deactivating the View user defined initial cracks, void, inclusion on the toolbar. In this way, you can see the propagated crack inside the model.
- Finally, the 3D problem with an initial circular crack can now be post-processed through the Simulation Results Panel.